Sunday, 2 September 2012

What Fun to be a Kiwi

Oh, what fun to be a Kiwi in the Springtime,
With so much rain and snow enticing us out to play.
The winds keep throwing trees all over our powerlines,
At least we can rock and roll to the motion of the quakes!

so who needed Metallica after all

The Cantabrians have all learnt about Liquefaction.
The Southlanders got their flash stadium crushed under snow.
Scots Ferry, in the north, is flooded (yet again)
And no one wants to arrive in Wellington by plane.

unless you have a death wish, of course

Oh its such fun to be a Kiwi in New Zealand,
With my forsythia all covered up in snow.
Down at Cust, two cows got the shock of their short lifetimes,
When a hole opened up beneath them as they grazed!

NB: After liquefaction, when the water dries out
the earth shrinks back and holes form spontaneously

It's no wonder us Kiwis got to be so rugged,
so stoic and so staunch just like Sir Ed,
And it's no wonder so many like to go out yachting,
When the ocean's much less wavy than the land!

Now you can see why us Kiwis are so peaceloving,
We haven't time to develop all those weapons of war.
We are much too busy trying to fix our damaged buildings,
And patch our paddocks and the cracks in all our floors!

Arohanui. Pomarie.
A repost from the Multiply Site. This silly piece was first published  on the 22nd of September 2010, following the first big earthquakes in Canterbury when no one was killed and we all thought how lucky we were, and before the 22nd of February 2011 when our world really crashed down and one hundred and eighty-five people died.


  1. Without humor, life is bleak.

  2. At least you've got the Spring to look forward to again now Iri as the pendulum of the seasons swing back toward Summer for you and clouds of Autumn gather here, although this has been the wettest Summer on record, ever.....So I hope you do better than we did this year and nature behaves herself better for you.
